Mr Michael Castiel > Hassans > Gibraltar, Gibraltar > Lawyer Profile

Madison Building
GX11 1AA

Work Department

Corporate & Commercial


Michael is a former senior partner of the Firm and continues to assist the team as a Consultant on cross-border corporate and tax structuring for global corporate groups and international institutions.

Michael specialises in international tax, corporate and business law regularly advising major US, Canadian and European multinationals and his expertise extends to corporate structuring and restructuring, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions as well as reorganisations and insolvency having previously advised both receivers and liquidators in a number of high profile cases.

Michael first studied business administration and management and worked in UK industry for eight years after which he studied law at East London University and at the Inns of Court School of Law and was called to the English and Gibraltar Bar in 1993.


English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Lawyer Rankings

Gibraltar > Commercial, corporate and M&A

(Hall of Fame)

Michael CastielHassans

Lauded by one client as ‘the foremost law firm in Gibraltar‘, Hassans has ‘substantial experience in commercial, corporate and M&A‘ work. Among its key figures are Peter Montegriffo KC and Vikram Nagrani, who advise on trusts, joint ventures, M&A and international transactions. Senior partner James Levy CBE KCcontinues to be the leading light in the firm‘. Other standout names include consultant Michael Castiel, Ian Felice for commercial property investments and corporate restructuring, and Abigail Cornelio for corporate governance. Peter Montegriffo KC and cross-border transactional specialist Tim Garcia and Richard Buttigieg are also highly recommended.

Gibraltar > Tax

(Leading partners)

Michael CastielHassans

‘Technically excellent, but also commercial and practical’, Hassansteam of tax specialists includes Michael Castiel, a consultant specialising in international tax and cross-border corporate and tax structuring, and corporate tax partners Tim Garcia and Isaac Levy. ‘Strong thought leader’ Grahame Jackson continues to focus on major international property investment structures and regularly gives advice to corporations on the taxability of income generated within and outside of Gibraltar, as well as to private clients on the establishment of tax-efficient trusts. Francis Carreras further strengthens the firm’s private tax offering with his knowledge of structuring, restructuring, pensions and the relocation of companies and individuals.