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Kris Wauters

Kris Wauters

Janson, Belgium

Work Department

Public and administrative law Real estate



Kris Wauters has been a lawyer since 1993 and specialises in public and administrative law. He became Counsel at Janson in 2012. He mainly deals with cases concerning economic public law (accreditations, mobility, state aid), public procurement, other government contracts (concessions, PPP,...), government liability, environmental law and energy law.

Kris is professor at the Université catholique de Louvain since 2010, where he is a member of the public law sector and where he teaches various courses in administrative law, including public procurement law, energy law, public economic law and local authorities.

Kris is also editor-in-chief of the only Belgian Review on public procurement and other government contracts (Marchés et contrats publics). He is moreover member of the Law Committee of het National Building Organisation giving advice on public procurement to the Federal Government. 


  • Conducting the negotiation between a governmental institution and companies and reaching a settlement agreement
  • Assisting companies before the council of state for a public contract signed with another tenderer and conducting the proceedings before the civil court to claim damages
  • Advising and representing the Flemish government (roads and traffic agency) in a procedure introduced in extreme urgency by a tenderer to gain the suspension of the public contract
  • Assisting a company in a claim for damages for a (annulled) law imposing a public burden for companies active in real estate
  • Assisting the European Commission in a procedure of a tenderer for a claim of damages for a public contract
  • Advising and representing the Flemish government (roads and traffic agency) in a procedure introduced by a tenderer to annul a public contract signed with another tenderer
  • Providing advice to companies on litigation procedures and alternative solutions
  • Assisting companies in negotiations with governmental institutions on PPP-contracts


2012 - ...: Counsel - Janson 2010 - ...: Professor Public Law and Social Cohesion, Public Procurement, Public Policy, Public Economic Law and Local Authorities, Université catholique de Louvain 1993 - ...: Lawyer


Dutch, French, English, German


Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the legal journal Overheidsopdrachten- en overeenkomsten/Contrats et marchés publics Member of the editorial committee of the legal journal Recht in de gemeente Academic Member of PLAN (Procurement Law Academic Work) Academic Member of Public Contracts in Legal Globalization Academic Member of RENEUal Member of the Society of Lawyers in Public Law Member of the Public Procurement Legal Committee of the Belgian Construction Federation Member (as sole Belgian) of the Nederlands Academisch Genootschap Overheidsopdrachten (Dutch Academic Society for Public Procurement) Member Gezaghebbend Panel Uhasselt


2014: PhD in law (Cooperation between public authorities and EU law), University of Glasgow 2009: PhD in law (Legal protection and government contracts), Maastricht University 1992: Master in International and European Law, Université catholique de Louvain 1991: DEUG AES, Université du Havre 1991: Law degree, KU Leuven (cum laude)
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