Ms Tara Kelly > Mason Hayes & Curran LLP > Dublin, Ireland > Lawyer Profile

Mason Hayes & Curran LLP
D04 TR29
Tara Kelly photo

Work Department

Competition, Antitrust and Foreign Investment


Partner, Head of Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment


Tara is a Partner and Head of our Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment team. She specialises in merger control, investigations, digital regulation, and foreign investment. Tara’s dedication to providing practical advice, strategic insights, and tailored solutions makes her a highly sought-after advisor across all industries.

She advises on complex merger control including Phase II investigations. She meticulously navigates the intricacies of the merger control rules to ensure favourable outcomes for clients.

Tara uniquely understands the regulatory challenges facing technology companies, bridging the gap between data protection, AI regulation, and antitrust. She advises on digital regulation, with a keen focus on the Digital Markets Act.

She also is experienced in investigations including responding to dawn raids and submitting cartel immunity and leniency applications.

With the impending Irish foreign investment screening regime, Tara is laser focused on minimising delays to completion by ensuring her clients are prepared and informed.

Prior to joining the firm, Tara practised with a top US law firm in New York and London. Her international outlook makes her highly adept at advising on cross border matters.

Lawyer Rankings

Ireland > EU and competition

(Next Generation Partners)

Tara KellyMason Hayes & Curran LLP

Mason Hayes & Curran LLP continues to stand out for its abilities in merger control, including headline mergers requiring notification at a national and EU level. In this regard, the firm has made a particular impression in media sector mergers, along with those in the energy and technology industries, especially US tech businesses. The group frequently advises private equity houses on merger control and other competition matters. It is also unique in having an economist at partner level in Michael Madden. Beyond merger control, it has a thriving practice in competition law enforcement, including investigations into the ticketing and motor insurance sectors. Competition litigation is another forte. Tara Kelly leads the team, which includes Dorit McCann, who joined from Beauchamps LLP in March 2023. Laura Durning and Liam Heylin are also key partners.