Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt


Emil Hedberg

Work Department

Capital Markets, Mergers & Acquisitions


Emil works in Schjødt's Finance & Capital Markets department. He specialises in capital markets transactions, public M&A and general corporate advisory. Emil has extensive experience in Swedish and international transactions and advises issuers as well as investment banks, private equity sponsors and other market participants. He also has experience in incentive schemes, market abuse regulation and other financial regulation for listed companies. Emil joined the firm in 2020 in connection with Schjødt's merger with the Swedish law firm Hamilton. Prior to that, he practiced as a lawyer with the law firms Roschier and Vinge.




Master of Laws (LL.M.) Stockholm University, 2007M.Sc. in Business Administration, Stockholm University, 2007
