Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Ingvild Walle Skraastad
- Phone+47 954 37 161
- Email[email protected]
- Profileschjodt.com
Work Department
Corporate M&A
Senior Associate
Ingvild works in Schjødt's M&A department and primarily assists in transactions, restructurings and general corporate consultancy. She has experience in both private M&A transactions and equity capital market transactions and regularly works on M&A projects within the private equity segment. Ingvild is an experienced project manager who deals with M&A transactions.
Ingvild holds a Master of Laws Degree from the University of Oslo. Before joining Schjødt, she worked in the law firm Simonsen Vogt Wiig.
2018 - Master of Laws, University of Oslo
2017 - Exchange semester, University of Auckland (New Zealand)