Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt


Caroline Bruyant Bonde

Work Department

Banking & Finance


Caroline is a partner in our Finance practice group. She acts for Scandinavian and international banks, financial institutions, private equity sponsors, credit funds, and corporate borrowers, advising on asset, project, acquisition, and corporate financing. Her work includes structuring loan transactions and drafting and negotiating contracts, including loan and security documentation, for bilateral and syndicated financings.

Caroline also advises asset managers and financial institutions on financial regulation and fund formation. She has extensive experience with alternative investments, including due diligence and negotiation of investment terms in private equity, credit, infrastructure, real estate, venture capital, and fund-of-funds.

In addition to her work with financing, Caroline focuses on shipping and energy transactions and regularly advises the various parties involved in such transactions, including shipowners, industrials, brokers, banks, and other financial institutions.

Caroline is a dual-qualified lawyer in Denmark, England, and Wales. She joined Schjødt in 2022, having previously worked in the alternative investments teams at Danske Bank and Danica Pension and for Reed Smith for several years in London with asset and transaction finance. Prior to that, Caroline worked at the Danish law firm Gorrisen Federspiel.




2010 - Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen

2009 - L.L.M., King's College, London
