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Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd


David Mamane, LL.M.

David Mamane, LL.M.

Work Department

Zurich / Competition and Antitrust / Energy and Telecommunication / Intellectual Property / Distribution and Licensing / Public and Administrative Law


David Mamane is a partner and head of Schellenberg Wittmer's Competition Group in Zurich. His main areas of practice are competition/antitrust law, telecommunications and energy regulation, public procurement, as well as license and distribution agreements. David regularly advises clients in proceedings before the Swiss Competition Commission and is experienced in all aspects of Swiss and European competition law, including national and multi-jurisdictional merger control procedures, cartel and abuse of dominance investigations, dawn raids, internal investigations, compliance, e-learning, and leniency procedures. David has established himself as one of the most renowned Swiss competition lawyers at the international level due to his involvement in international conferences and matters.
David is additionally highly specialized in the field of IT and is a co-founder of a legal consulting firm in the IT sector. With this unique expertise, David leads IT and Knowledge Management at Schellenberg Wittmer.


2011 - Partner at Schellenberg Wittmer 2009 - Senior Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer 2006 - Senior Associate at a Swiss business law firm 2004 - Associate in an international law firm in Brussels 2003 - Teaching Assistant at the College of Europe in Bruges 2000 - Associate at a Swiss business law firm 1999 - Founder of a Swiss IT law firm


German English French


Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations, Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V. and ABA's SIL International Antitrust Committee


2003 - LL.M. in European Law, College of Europe, Bruges 2000 - Bar Admission in Switzerland 1997 - lic. iur., University of Basel


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