SKW Schwarz

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Christoph Krück

SKW Schwarz, Germany

Work Department

Intellectual Property, Data Economy, IT & Digital Business, Cloud Computing, Data Protection, Internet and e-Business, Online platforms


Dr. Christoph Krück specialises in digital business and data protection law. In this context, one focus is on advising online platforms and other online services on platform and media regulation, youth protection law, platform liability (safe harbor provisions; notice-and-take-down) as well as on any other requirements of e-commerce, consumer and competition law. Furthermore, he advises on the drafting of terms of use, general terms and conditions, licensing, cloud and other IT contracts.

With regard to data privacy law, he advises on the general requirements of the GDPR and is particularly focused on issues relating to the internet as well as big data and platform structures.

In addition, he closely monitors the developments concerning regulation of artificial intelligence ("AI") and algorithms.

Dr. Christoph Krück studied in Leipzig and completed his legal clerkship in Berlin with stages at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and in a law firm in Massachusetts, USA. He wrote his doctoral thesis on questions of misleading and protection of ancillary rights in competition law in comparison to Spanish law.


Dr. Christoph Krück is a member of the Deutsch-Spanische Juristenvereinigung, the DAJV – Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung, the Blockchain Bundesverband and the ITechLaw – International Technology Law Association.


Senior Associate Rechtsanwalt


2010 First State Examination University of Leipzig 2011 - 2012 Research associate with a law firm in Berlin, department: IP/IT 2012 - 2015 Legal clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeal with stages at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and with a law firm in Massachusetts, USA 2015 Second State Examination at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin 2016 - 2019 Lawyer with a patent and law firm in Munich, department: IP/IT 2019 Doctorate, Ph.D. thesis Since 2019 with SKW Schwarz