SKW Schwarz

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Elisabeth Noltenius, LL.M.

SKW Schwarz, Germany

Work Department

IT & Digital Business, Online platforms, Life Sciences & Health, Media & Entertainment, Public Media, Film & TV


Elisabeth Noltenius advises German and international companies on copyright matters and in the area of digital business in court and out of court. Clients range from start-ups to internet companies to companies in the film sector. The focus of her work lies on all relevant legal areas, in particular data protection and consumer protection law, compliance, advertising, sweepstakes, and competition law. Elisabeth Noltenius particularly advises in media and entertainment law, especially with regard to all aspects of the movie and TV industry. She deals with all questions from the funding stage to the global exploitation of productions. In the area of digital media, her focus is on the legal matters pertaining to the change in use concepts and revenue streams, as well as the monitoring of video-on-demand platforms. Finally, she advises companies in the computer game industry in the areas of development, production, and exploitation of game productions, including their financing.


Elisabeth Noltenius is member of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, New York, which also hands out the International Emmy Awards, WIFTG – Women in Film & Television Germany e.V. and board member of the foundation H. H. Meier-Stiftung für Stipendienzwecke, Bremen.


Partnerin Rechtsanwältin


Studies: Münster, Berlin, Stellenbosch Lawyer since: 2012