SKW Schwarz

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Martin Römermann

SKW Schwarz, Germany

Work Department

Employment Law, Media & Entertainment, Real Estate


Dr. Martin Römermann is a lawyer with experience in all areas of labor legislation as well as in associated issues of company law and is an experienced judicial and extrajudicial negotiator. Specializing in labor law, he primarily advises and represents medium-sized and large companies as well as non-profit organizations comprehensively in individual and collective labor law, in restructuring and reorganization as well as in tariff and industrial constitution law. In collaboration with peers of adjacent fields of law, he advises clients on implementing Codes of Conduct and on matters of know-how protection, employee data privacy and with regard to social media. Dr. Römermann regularly holds workshops and seminars for commercial providers and clients on different topics pertaining to labor law.


F.D.P. Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V. Working Group Employment Law / Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.


Partner Certified Expert for Employment Law Rechtsanwalt


Studied in Würzburg, Salamance (Spanien), Salzburg and Frankfurt am Main. Legal clerkship in Frankfurt am Main and Quito (Ecuador) Since 2002 with SKW Schwarz