Client Satisfaction


Martin Hemmer

Martin Hemmer

AKD, Netherlands

Work Department

Data protection & Privacy / IP & IT




Martin Hemmer is a partner and lawyer at AKD who works primarily at the interface between law and technology. The emphasis is on innovative IP (copyright, database right and patent right) and ICT in combination with media and privacy. Martin advises and litigates regularly on ICT matters relating to contracts for (cloud) service provision, infringements of database rights, software copyright as well as failed implementations.

Martin's main clients operate in the IT and media sector. He also gives privacy-related advice to (semi-)public organisations. Martin's clients appreciate his practical and solution-oriented approach.

Martin enjoys the legally challenging world of the Internet and law. In that respect, privacy is an important theme for him. He regularly publishes and gives lectures on privacy-related issues. He has also assisted various organisations in connection with enforcement procedures by the Dutch Data Protection Authority [Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens].

Martin regularly sees organisations struggling to get a grip on the growing quantity of personal data that they process. The ever-developing technology offers possibilities but also implies risks. New technological possibilities such as Artificial Intelligence and big data applications can, for example, decode datasets which were considered anonymous.

The threats facing data-processing can have major consequences for the obligation of the controller. What is more the GDPR still leaves lots of room for interpretation and this can lead to uncertainty. Martin enjoys solving such legally challenging privacy issues in a practical way.

Another of Martin's focal areas is on conflicts regarding unlawful communication on the Internet and elsewhere. These can lead to disputes between competitors (misleading/unauthorised comparative advertising), between citizens themselves and between citizens and government bodies. How far is someone allowed to go when it comes to using the image of a third party and expressing online criticism? Martin can help you find the answer to questions like these.
