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Dennis van Tilborg

Dennis van Tilborg

AKD, Netherlands

Work Department

Public law




Dennis van Tilborg is a lawyer and partner at AKD. He assists government bodies, businesses and non-profit institutions in legal proceedings before administrative law forums and the civil courts. The focus of his work is on the social domain, open and digital government and economic administrative law. His clients appreciate his thorough and effective approach to litigation and his rapid, solution-oriented and creative way of working.

Dennis has a great deal of knowledge of the Public health Act and Youth Act [Jeugdwet] and the Social Support Act [Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning] (Wmo) 2015. He gives local authorities strategic advice about structuring the system, helps to arrange regional cooperation, conducts proceedings on principled issues before the (highest) administrative court and helps local authorities to combat abuse and fraud.

Dennis is also specialised in dealing with cases relating to open and digital government. This means, for example, the Government Information (Public Access) Act [Wet openbaarheid van bestuur], supervision and enforcement on the Internet and legal aspects of using algorithms and big data. Dennis is currently carrying out PhD research into the use of big data by supervisory bodies.

Within the field of economic administrative law Dennis has a great deal of experience with advising and litigating on subsidies. He assists parties that are confronted by subsidy issues, such as the termination of a long subsidy relationship, refusing a subsidy or reclaiming.

Dennis also spends a great deal of time on cases which relate to market regulation in the transport sector (the Passenger Transport Act [Wet personenvervoer] 2000, the Railways Act [Spoorwegwet], the Local Railways Act [Wet lokaal spoor]), as well as the gambling, telecom and care sectors.

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