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Paul Welten

Paul Welten

AKD, Netherlands

Work Department

Real Estate / Construction / Litigation




Paul Welten is a partner and lawyer at AKD who specialises in civil construction law and has extensive experience with disputes which arise during a construction project. This means delays, changes, contract extras and other financial and technical issues. Paul has particular experience with claims by contractors in relation to business interruptions.

Paul is a specialist in disputes which are actually and legally extremely extensive and complex, whereby other factors, such as political sensitivities, may play a role.

Paul's clients are primarily government bodies such as local authorities, water boards, housing associations and care and education institutions. One of them described Paul's approach as follows: "I feel comfortable when Paul is looking after our interests. I base this on his considerable involvement, knowledge of the dossier, analytical capacity and the enjoyable way in which he communicates. With a certain degree of obstinacy he is quickly able to determine a clear and realistic strategy."

Paul regularly gives in-house courses in the field of the Uniform Administrative Conditions for the Execution of Works and Technical Installation Works 2012 [Uniforme Administratieve Voorwaarden voor de uitvoering van werken en van technische installatiewerken 2012] (UAV 2012) and the Uniform Administrative Conditions for Integrated Contract Types [Uniforme Administratieve Voorwaarden voor Geïntegreerde Contractvormen] (UAV-GC 2005). In 2015 he was a speaker at the National Construction Law Dinner [Nationaal Bouwrechtdiner] for the Academy of Legal Practice [Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk] (on the subject of contractors and business interruptions). He is a member of the Construction Law Association [Vereniging voor Bouwrecht] and the Association for Construction Law Attorneys [Vereniging voor Bouwrecht Advocaten].

Besides his litigation practice Paul's work also includes assessing and drawing up design and build contracts, including long-term maintenance otherwise. His practical knowledge means he is an expert at drawing up tailor-made model (basic) agreements and terms and conditions.

Paul has ready knowledge of all the important regulations, such as STABU standard 2012, the RAW system for the generation of construction plans, the UAV 2012 and the UAV-GC 2005. In addition, he has extensive experience of litigating in the Court of Arbitration for the Building Industry in the Netherlands, as well as the civil courts.

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