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Raffaele De Luca Tamajo

Raffaele De Luca Tamajo

Work Department

Senior Partner: Employment and Labour Law


Employment law and industrial relations


1973: Admitted to the Italian Bar; 1978: Rights of audience in the Italian Supreme Court; Published a number of prestigious legal commentaries, among which, "Commentary on Employment Laws" (Cedam 2013); “Technology within communication and privacy in the workplace” (Cedam 2010), “Constitutional Case Law and rights in the employment relationship” (2006) and “Rights Under Employment Law” Jovene, (1976). Editor and co-author of: “Commentary on Legislative Decree n. 276 of the 10.9.2003” (with G. Santoro Passarelli), Cedam 2013; “Employment Law in the Italian Republic” (with P. Ichino, G. Ferraro, and R. Del Punta) Giuffré 2008; “Individual and Collective Dismissals under Supreme Court Rulings” (with F. Bianchi), Giuffré 2006; “Labour Market, Reform and System Constraints” (with M. Rusciano and L. Zoppoli); Reviewing Editor 2004; “The Process of Outsourcing”, ESI, 2002; “Employment Law in the 1980s”, ESI, 1988 (with L. Ventura, M. D’Antoma and G. Ferraro); “From Safeguards to Monitoring”, Giuffré, 1987 (with Aldo Cessari); “Severance Pay”, Cedam, 1984, (with Gino Giugni and Giuseppe Ferraro); “Employment Law in Crisis” Jovene, 1979, (with Luciano Ventura). Co-author of the “Employment Law Contracts Manual” and the “Union Law Manual” (Utet) with Professors Treu, Carinci and Tosi.


Italian; French


Professor of Employment and Labour Law at Federico II University of Naples; Managing Director of the Italian Employment Law Journal (Giuffrè); Scientific Committee Member for the Italian Employment Lawyers’ Association (AGI); Steering Committee Member for the Association of Employment Lawyers of Naples; Former Chair of the AIDLASS (Italian Association for Labour Law and Social Security) of which all Academics in Italian Employment and Labour Law are members; Former Chair of Forma.Temp - the Bilateral body of Temporary Work Agencies; Former Chair of Employment Law Bar Association of Naples; Professeur invité of Comparative Employment Law, Nanterre University, Paris (90’s)


Content supplied by Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo