
İrem Akın

İrem Akın

Work Department

Litigation Team


Senior Associate and Mediator


İrem Akın joined ASC Law in 2021 as Senior Associate and is a member of the firm’s Litigation Team. She has handled, and handles, all manner of dispute matters, and now focuses her attention on intellectual property, informational technology, privacy and telecommunications law, giving particular attention to the protection of the firm’s clients’ many trademarks.

Complementing her litigation work, İrem has taken the lead in the drafting, and negotiation, of hundreds of contracts involving intellectual property and information technology. At the same time, she has been closely involved with the implementation of bespoke internal procedures to ensure her clients' compliance with Turkey’s new Personal Data Protection Law.

İrem is authorized to appear, and often does, before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. She is also a licensed Mediator under Turkey’s Mediation Act.

ASC Law, Senior Associate (2021-Present)Turkcell, Senior Litigation Management Lawyer (2020-2021)SabancıDx, Legal Affairs Manager (2014-2017)Karahan Law, Associate (2011-2014)Suluk & Kenaroğlu Law Office, Associate (2008-2010)


Turkish, English


Istanbul Bar


L.L.B. Marmara University Faculty of Law, 2008


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