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Ane Strand Nilssen

Ane Strand Nilssen

Zacco, Norway

Work Department

Intellectual Property, Corporate and Commercial


Attorney at Law


Ane works primarily with intellectual property rights and related areas using her considerable expertise in the area of trademark law, domain names, copyright infringement, unfair competition and marketing law, as well as entertainment law related to the rights of Artists and Photographers.

Her understanding and recognition of the use of branding and legal rights within areas of emerging technology forms an integral part of her assistance to both colleagues and clients in solving a range legal problems and conflicts. She is considered to be an expert on customs cases and recognised as a capable partner by many organisations when helping them to address and combat the issue of counterfeit goods. She has also achieved considerable success with a number of restoration cases.

Ane started working for Zacco in 2010 but took some months out in 2012 to take an internship in the full-service, international law firm Beijing YingKe in China.

She graduated with her Law Degree from the University of Oslo in 2011, focusing on copyright law as her elective subject and both copyright law and privacy rights as her areas of specialisation. She wrote her master’s thesis on “a depictured person’s right to own photography, in relation to the media and new media, with focus on web publishing.” For this thesis she received the highest grade.


Norwegian, English

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