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Caron Heyes

Caron Heyes

Fieldfisher, London

Work Department

Medical Negligence




I am a Director in Fieldfisher's medical negligence team working out of our Central London office. I've worked in this sector for over 18 years and have huge experience in bringing claims for children and adults who have been left catastrophically injured as a result of medical negligence.

I work with clients from all backgrounds, on all kinds of cases. I bring cases for children injured at birth, and in the neonatal period, and cases where there have been errors in GP, medical or surgical treatment, and cases where errors have led to the deaths of patients.

I am expert in providing Inquest representation to Families who have lost a loved family member following medical treatment, and do that alongside investigating a civil claim.

Bringing claims brings me into contact with people from different communities and I am humbled by the resilience and courage of my clients with all they have to deal with in the aftermath of their injuries.

Part and parcel of our work is obtaining interim and final damages awards, and assisting clients in meeting care, therapeutic and housing needs with those funds. In the last 12 months I have obtained multi-million pound settlements for children with acquired brain injuries, including a six-figure settlement for a client who sustained life-changing injuries at the delivery of her baby, a £1.4 million settlement for a father who suffered a nervous shock injury after witnessing his wife and child be injured. I am currently representing a number of families in forthcoming inquests, and I am investigating a number of cases against hospital Trusts, GPs and care homes across the UK.


My expertise is recognised by my membership of both the Law Society Clinical Negligence Accreditation Panel and the AvMA Panel, and by my ratings in Chambers as a Star Associate and the Legal500 as a key lawyer in our team.

I am a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).