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Michael Butterworth

Michael Butterworth

Fieldfisher, London

Work Department





Michael specialises in solving legal challenges relating to new technology, including IT and business process outsourcings, cloud services agreements, technology and software procurement, managed exits and renegotiations of distressed IT projects, telecoms regulatory advice, e-commerce and privacy. Clients range from pioneering tech start-ups to established corporate technology buyers and global IT suppliers.

Michael's experience has involved him working in the technology, telecommunications, retail, financial services, and logistics sectors. His professional highlights include advising on shared service centre deals and 'track and trace' and supply chain traceability projects (long before they were front page news).

Michael has also spent time on secondment at a major international bank and holds a Practitioner’s Certificate in Data Protection from BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT.


Michael is a member of the Professional Board of the leading IT law journal, Computer Law & Security Review.


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