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Christina Kufer

Christina Kufer

Fieldfisher, Germany

Work Department

Intellectual Property


Christina Kufer, LL.M. (LSE) is a Senior Associate in Fieldfisher's Berlin office and advises on Intellectual Property.

Her expertise in the field of Intellectual Property includes Trademark, Competition, Copyright and Design Law as well as issues related to E-Commerce and Consumer Protection.

The focus of her work is on providing legal support in the design of products, services and marketing campaigns, drafting license and distribution agreements, and advising on the establishment of innovative business models.

As a specialist lawyer in Intellectual Property, she also represents start-ups, medium-sized companies, and international corporations in both out-of-court and in-court disputes concerning trademarks, designs and copyrights as well as in matters of competition law.

A particular focus of her work is advising on green advertising and greenwashing.

Christina Kufer, LL.M. (LSE) is listed in the Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers 2024 as "Best Lawyers: Ones To Watch" in the field of Intellectual Property Law. The IP Stars Ranking has recognized her as “Rising Star” in the field of Intellectual Property since 2023.

She has been active as a journalist for many years and regularly gives keynotes and workshops. Her articles have been published in Süddeutsche Zeitung, Spiegel Online, FAZ, Markt & Mittelstand, Lebensmittelzeitung and legal journals, among others.

Publications/Citations (Selection):

She has published/been cited in the following articles (in German):

Keynotes (Selection):

  • "Zwischen zulässigem Green Advertising und irreführendem Greenwashing: Was darf grüner Content?", Filmfest Cologne 2022
  • "Zulässiges Green Advertising oder schon irreführendes Greenwashing?", Move Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz 2022
  • "Unternehmen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Green Marketing und Greenwashing", GSN Summit 2023
  • "Green Marketing oder Greenwashing: Was ist erlaubt und wo liegen Risiken für die Führungsebene?", Deutscher Anwaltstag 2023


Before joining Fieldfisher, Christina Kufer, LL.M. (LSE) worked as a lawyer in a German business law firm from 2020 to 2024, also in the field of intellectual property.


She advises our clients in German and English.


Christina Kufer, LL.M. (LSE) is also a member of the German Association of Women Lawyers (DJB) and the association "women in ip e.V."


After completing her studies at LMU in Munich and in Istanbul, she earned an LL.M. at the London School of Economics and Political Science with a focus on Information Technology and Communications Law. She passed the Second State Examination at the Berlin Court of Appeal as valedictorian (with placements at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Vienna).


Since 2021, she has been active in the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) within the IP/TMT department.

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