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Paul McNeil

Paul McNeil

Fieldfisher, London

Work Department

Medical negligence and personal injury




I have nearly 30 years' experience acting for people injured through medical negligence and personal injury accidents. My cases include:

Medical negligence claims Personal injury claims Road traffic accident claims International personal injury claims

Many of these claims involve serious head injuries or birth injuries and have settled for more than £30 million. This ensures my clients receive adequate compensation to pay for education, rehabilitation, care and treatment.

In 2018, my client, a severely disabled six-year-old boy, was awarded £37 million after contracting the Herpes Simplex virus in hospital, leading to catastrophic brain damage.

In 2019, I have been described as "outstanding" and offering "great depth of experience in the clinical negligence market''.

I regularly speak at events and I have also contributed a chapter to the well-received Experts in the Civil Courts edited by Sir Louis Blom Cooper QC.


I am a member of AvMA (Action against Medical Accidents).


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