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Zeynep Seda Alhas

Zeynep Seda Alhas

Work Department

Intellectual PropertyTrademarks and DesignsAnti-CounterfeitingIP ProsecutionCopyrights



Zeynep Seda Alhas joined the firm in 2006 and became a partner in 2017. She is both a lawyer and a trademark attorney specializing in Intellectual Property law. She focuses trademark and design, anti-counterfeiting, and copyright.

Zeynep’s IP litigation practice focuses on trademarks, designs, unfair competition and copyrights. She advises a wide range of foreign and domestic clients from numerous business sectors on implementing IP protection and enforcement strategies,

She has vast experience in civil IP litigation, as well as domain name and unfair competition conflicts, representing clients in cancellation, invalidation, infringement and other civil court actions and domain name ADR proceedings, filing for interlocutory and precautionary injunctions, negotiating and drafting co-existence, settlement and licensing agreements.

Zeynep has been involved in numerous anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy campaigns, handled and supervised evidence gathering and criminal raid procedures all around Turkey, and works with the firm’s in-house investigations department closely.

She advises on portfolio management strategies and represents clients before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TPTO), and supervises opposition and appeal procedures for trademark, design and well known trademark applications to the TPTO.


Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle Turkey (AIPPI Turkey) Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI), Piracy and Counterfeiting Committee International Trademark Association (INTA), Internet Committee Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC), Secretary of Intellectual Property Working Commission Patent and Trademark Attorneys’ Association of Turkey (PEM) Istanbul Bar Association


Galatasaray University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul (LL.B. 2006)