
Quirine Tjeenk Willink
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Quirine specializes in government regulation and administrative law enforcement, with a focus on telecom, media and privacy law. She is an expert in the field of frequency law and since 2003 she has been advising various telecom and radio parties in strategic frequency auctions. Quirine has represented many market parties in enforcement investigations by supervisory authorities in connection with complex issues of market and privacy regulation. Quirine has ample litigation experience in administrative law; for example, she has frequently conducted appeal proceedings in the areas of frequency law, rate regulation, general telecom law, media regulation, local taxes and childcare regulation. Besides, Quirine has advised the national government on the review of the licensing system in the games of chance sector in the report “Op weg naar een aangepast loterijenstelsel. Een juridische verkenning.” [Towards an adjusted lotteries system. A legal exploration.]
Quirine teaches regularly, including the module ‘Toezicht en Handhaving’ [Supervision and Enforcement] at the reputable Specialization Course in Data Protection Law at VPR-A [the Association of Privacy Lawyers]. Besides, she is the author of the chapter ‘Sancties en Aansprakelijkheid’ [Sanctions and Liability] of Wolters Kluwer’s ‘Tekst en Commentaar Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming’ [Text and Comments to the General Data Protection Regulation].
Before joining Kennedy Van der Laan, Quirine worked for more than 15 years as an attorney at big international law firms and gained valuable in-house experience as General Counsel & Company Secretary at the grid company Alliander N.V.
Constitutional and Administrative Law University of Groningen, 2002