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Manel Pérez

DWF-RCD, Spain

Work Department



Manel has 18 years of experience and is specialized in taxation of individuals and legal entities, tax planning of large estates and groups of companies, real estate taxation as well as inspection procedures before the Tax Administration.

He provides advice on tax material to high level national and international groups, family businesses and large estates. 

Former professor of Financial and Tax Law and has taught for the postgraduate program in Taxation at the University of Girona (UdG) He has also taught for the Masters in Administrative Management at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Abat Oliba CEU University Regular speaker at public and private forums on family business taxation, tax news, and business restructuring Regularly works with various media outlets to write articles related to tax practice Certified expert taxation related to R&D and Patent Box


Tax Partner


Degree in Law, National University of Distance Education (UNED) Higher degree in Law, International University of Catalonia (UIC) Diploma in Tax Consultancy and Management, ESADE