News and developments

Equatorial Guinea -COVID-19 Outbreak Update #2 | State of Alarm for Health Reasons

As reported in our 31 March 2020 Flash, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea was discussing a draft Decree declaring State of Emergency and on 30 March 2020 the President of the Republic had a meeting with members of the Government to discuss widening even further the measures to contain the COVID-19 in the Country.

We reported the additional measures adopted by the Prime Minister in our 1 April 2020 Flash and have now formally confirmed that:

  • A State of Alarm for Health Reasons has been declared;
  • Economic measures to strength the national system of social protection and support to small and medium-sized companies were enacted; and
  • The Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons adopted some strict temporary measures aimed at protecting national and expatriates’ jobs within the hydrocarbons sector during the COVID-19 confinement period.
  • This Flash solely covers the measures adopted upon declaration of a State of Alarm for Health Reasons.

    On 30 March 2020, in view of the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and taking into account its effects (i) on the enforcement of State powers, (ii) on the regular operations of State bodies and of public and private companies and (iii) on the daily life of national and international populations, the President of the Republic declared a State of Alarm for Health Reasons in Equatorial Guinea.

    The State of Alarm was declared by way of Decree 42/2020, of 30 March 2020, which also sets forth that, during the State of Alarm’s term:

  • All land, maritime and air borders of Equatorial Guinea are temporary closed, except in the case of ships and airplanes carrying goods, materials and equipment;
  • All Diplomatic and Consular Missions abroad are temporarily prohibited from granting visas to enter into the Country;
  • As an exception to the preceding rule, delegations of friendly countries and international organizations that must travel to Equatorial Guinea in the context of programs and activities of bilateral and multilateral cooperation may enter the Country but cannot send more than four (4) members;
  • Nationals of Equatorial Guinea cannot travel abroad, unless force majeure for the trip is proven;
  • Displacements within the National Territory by citizens and non-citizens that are residents may be restricted if deemed appropriate;
  • All international flights of Airlines operating in Equatorial Guinea are temporarily suspended;
  • All those travelling to Equatorial Guinea from countries affected by the pandemic, regardless of being national or foreign citizens or of showing symptoms or otherwise, must stay in quarantine for a fourteen (14)-day term, and may only leave when so authorized by the Health Authorities;
  • Those responsible for the Airlines, in collaboration with the Immigration Services, are requested to provide a listing of all passengers that entered the Country from 1 February 2020 onwards to the Ministry of Health (members of the Government, High Officials and Officials included, if any);
  • It is temporarily suspended any gathering of more than ten (10) people at the same place, in any possible way, being also temporarily suspended the celebration of parties, marriages, wakes, traditional funerals, buryings and hanging at places of leisure, parks, fairs and similar places
  • As an exception to the preceding rule, restaurants may continue open provided that they (i) implement strict social distancing, health and hygiene measures (namely by frequently disinfecting the floor, furniture and utensils); and (ii) do not host or celebrate parties or massive gatherings;
  • Content supplied by VdA