News and developments
Dubai Arbitration Week 2024!
Our Executive Chairman Stavros Pavlou, FCIArb, Bsc (Econ), Barrister, TEP attended Dubai Arbitration Week and had the honor of keynote speaker on the 13th November 2024!
Keynote Address: Arbitration’s Role In Africa’s Investment Future
Quoted by Stavros Pavlou, FCIArb, Bsc (Econ), Barrister, TEP: “I was deeply honoured to be the keynote speaker at this exceptional event!! my thanks to M&CO Legal and my friend Dr Mahmood Hussain for graciously inviting me!!! I felt truly privileged to have been part of this.”
#DubaiArbitrationWeek #Arbitration #GlobalArbitration
Content supplied by Patrikios Legal