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Bernhard Girsch


1995 trainee with various judges and attorneys-at-law in the UK 1997 trainee with the Austrian Cartel Court 1997 - 1998 trainee with the European Commission in Brussels (DGIV - Merger Task Force) since 2002 attorney-at-law with Brauneis Rechtsanwälte GmbH and partner since 2006.


Research Association Anti-Trust Law (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht eV) IBA Austrian Bar Association


Partner - Main Focus: Cartel Law, Cooperatives and Corporations, Trade and Distribution Law, Leases and Real Estate, Private Clients.


1994 law degree, University of Vienna 1994 student exchange program at the University of Göttingen (Erasmus scholarship) 1995-1996 postgraduate studies in European Law at the University of Lund (Master of European Law) 2001 Dr. iur., University of Vienna 2002 registration as attorney-at-law, Vienna