WKB Lawyers

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Anna Wyrzykowska

WKB Lawyers, Poland

Work Department

Real Estate & Property Development, Company Law & Corporate Governance, Mergers & Acquisitions


Anna specialises in real estate transactions, spatial planning and land development, as well as construction law. She assists clients in matters including property purchases, location of prospective developments and commercialisation of shopping centres, office and warehouse space. Anna also has many years of experience providing clients with advice on company law issues and corporate governance regulations, as well as on mergers, divisions and corporate transformation processes. She represents clients in court and administrative proceedings in relation to both real estate and company law matters. As a head of WKB’s French desk, she assists French-speaking clients in corporate and other matters.


Past President of AIJA (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats/International Association of Young Lawyers)


Partner, head of the Real Estate & Property Development, head of the French desk.


Anna graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and the School of American Law at the Centre for American Law Studies. She holds a master’s degree in French and European business law from the University of Poitiers in France and has completed a postgraduate programme on the Legal Basis of the Construction Investment Process at Warsaw School of Economics.
