JPAB - José Pedro Aguiar-Branco Advogados

Joana Carneiro
- Phone(+351) 220 122 100
- Email[email protected]
- Social
- Profilewww.jpab.pt
Work Department
Member of the international network CIELO Laboral (Community for Labour and Occupational Research and Study), since 2016
Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Young Lawyers (AJJ), since 2013
Trainer with certificate of pedagogical skills no. F598592/2012, since 2012
Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association in 2005
Specialist lawyer in labour law, title awarded by the Portuguese Bar Association in 2019
M.A. in Private Law at the Catholic University of Porto, since 2010: graduated with a final mark of 16/20, with a thesis on "O Contrato de Trabalho Intermitente - A relação laboral cimentada na segurança do emprego através do trabalho descontínuo" (The Intermittent Employment Contract - The Employment Relationship Cemented in Employment Security by Discontinuous Work)
Postgraduate degree in Labour Law, from the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Porto, since 2007: degree with a final mark of 14/20, awarded for the thesis on "Effectiveness of collective regulatory instruments in the case of transfer of the economic entity"
Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto with a final grade of 14 in 2003