
Javed Allybokus

Javed Allybokus

LPA Law, Singapore




Javed Allybokus is a Banking and Finance Counsel

Javed advises credit and financial institutions as well as borrowers on the development, structuring and financing of cross-border transactions. He has a strong emerging markets practice, with a special focus on Africa.

He intervenes on commodity finance, acquisition finance, sovereign finance and transactions involving export credit agencies (ECAs). He is also regularly involved in real estate financings as well as in project finance transactions.

Before joining LPA Law in April 2024, Javed was seconded to the Trade Finance desk at HSBC London and at BNP Paribas. As a lawyer, he was an associate in the banking & finance team at Herbert Smith Freehills and Hogan Lovells.


Javed holds a Master 1 in Private Law from the Université Robert Schuman in Strasbourg and a Master 2 in Financial Law from ESCP/Paris Sud. Initially called to the bar in England and Wales (2012), then eligible to practise in Mauritius (2014), he has now been a member of the Paris bar since 2018.

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