Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS

Sten Foyn
- Phone+47 928 35 278
- Email[email protected]
- Profilehaavind.no
Work Department
Employment and pensionDispute resolutionAviation
Partner Sten Foyn is head of the employment law expert group of Haavind��s labour, employment and corporate governance practice area. He has extensive experience related to transfer of undertaking/outsourcing, handling of personnel matters, working hours and working environment issues, whistleblowing, investigation, civil servants law, protection of privacy and international employment law.
Partner Foyn also regularly handles a number of reorganisations/restructurings for Norwegian and international companies and recently has been lead partner in major restructurings necessitated by the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Additionally, during recent years Partner Foyn has established himself as one of the leading litigators in employment law in Norway, including having litigated two Supreme Court cases in the same year (2019). Recent years have also seen him selected by clients as lead lawyer in a number of high-profile whistleblowing cases and he has been appointed head of the 4-panel independent Whistleblowing body of Norwegian Lutheran Mission.
He is a board member of the Norwegian Labour Law Association, the Norwegian Association of Employment Lawyers, and Norway’s Board member to the European Employment Lawyer’s Association (EELA) and has been a member of a reference group in the Ministry of Labour, assessing the rules on whistleblowing.
Advokatfirmaet Haavind, Partner 2008
2001-2002Temporary Judge in Oslo District Court
1997-2001Adviser and Office Manager at the Ombudsman for public administration
1995-1997Deputy Judge, Drammen District Court
1992-1994Research Fellow, Centre for EC law, UiO
1991Assistant at the Attorney General's Office
1990 Cand. jur, UiO