Mr Darren Middleton > Duncan Lewis Solicitors > Birmingham, England > Lawyer Profile
Duncan Lewis Solicitors Offices

Ground Floor (Part), 158 Edmund House
B3 2HB
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Mr Darren Middleton

Work Department
Darren Middleton is a Director of Immigration at Duncan Lewis Solicitors based at the firms’ Birmingham office.
He is an accredited Supervising Senior Caseworker under the Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme. Darren specialises in working with vulnerable individuals and complex cases, including further submissions, and deportation.
Darren is experienced in preparing asylum and immigration appeals for the Tribunal. He has provided representation for nationals of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe, who have had their appeals successfully allowed by Tribunal. He has successfully provided representation at the appeal stage where the SSHD has sought to deprive an individual of British citizenship on the basis of deception.
Darren is a participant in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber Committee Working Group at the Tribunal in Birmingham, which meets on a periodic basis.
Duncan Lewis Solicitors (2015 – present)
Supervising Senior Caseworker under the Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme
Lawyer Rankings
West Midlands > Employment > Immigration
(Next Generation Partners)The large team at Duncan Lewis Solicitors is praised for ‘consistently going above and beyond expectations to deliver the best legal service for clients’. Darren Middleton is the practice head, and is accredited as a supervising senior caseworker under the Immigration and Asylum Law accreditation scheme. The group frequently represents vulnerable clients who are victims of torture or trafficking in asylum and human rights matters, as well as in detained asylum cases. The team is well-placed to assist asylum-seeking children, and has significant experience of acting in judicial review immigration cases before the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Former Birmingham co-head Ahmed Aydeed now works exclusively from the London office.
Lawyer Rankings
- Immigration West Midlands > Employment
- Next Generation Partners West Midlands > Employment > Immigration