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Derk-Jan van der Kolk

Derk-Jan van der Kolk

Van Traa Advocaten, Netherlands

Work Department

Insurance & Liability




Derk-Jan van der Kolk joined Van Traa as a partner in 2011. Before which he had already affirmed himself at a renowned law firm, where he worked as a lawyer for 25 years. Derk-Jan specialises in insurance and liability law, with a focus on personal injury and loss of dependency, fire and environmental damages, including asbestos issues. He advises insurers and companies regarding company liability, fraud, fire, technical insurances, professional liability and on insurance policies and injury.

Derk-Jan is recommended by the leading legal directories.


Dutch, English


Derk-Jan is a well-known name in Van Traa’s personal injury branch. He was vice-president of the Personal Injury Lawyers’ Association (Vereniging van Letselschade Advocaten (LSA)) from 2004-2010. Since 2010, he has been the chairman of the Quality Committee of the LSA. Derk-Jan was a member of the editorial board of the ‘Letsel & Schade’ magazine. Derk-Jan has completed the Grotius ‘Personal Injury’ specialisation course.

In the past, Derk-Jan was a member of the Compensation Committee of the Sexual Abuse of the Roman Catholic Church in The Netherlands (Compensatie Commissie Seksueel Misbruik van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk in Nederland). Derk-Jan furthermore chairs the General Church Council Protestant Denominations Rotterdam-Noordrand (Algemene Kerkenraad Protestantse Gemeente Rotterdam-Noordrand). Derk-Jan is a member of the Association for Insurance Science (Vereniging voor Verzekeringswetenschap (VvVW)), the Association for Liability and Damages (Vereniging voor Aansprakelijkheids- en Schadevergoedingsrecht (VASR)) and the Dutch Insurance Bourse Association (Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs (VNAB)).


Utrecht University, Grotius post doc specialisation course on liability law


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