Ernst & Young Asesores Ltda

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Margarita Salas

Work Department

Business Tax Advisory (BTA)


She joined EY in 2008 and has been a leader in Tax Controversy and Litigation services for eleven years.

She recently held the role of coordinating efforts in the Tax services (BTS) for Colombia and Mexico. For several years he has led the Controversy and Litigation group, consolidating it as one of the most solid and successful in Colombia.

She was director of the Bogotá regional DIAN and has been a consultant to companies on tax matters.

Margarita has been a tax professor at various universities and a speaker at national and international tax and controversy events. 


She is a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), the Colombian Institute of Tax Law (ICDT) and the Council of members of the ANDI Chamber of Legal Services. She is co-director of the Observatory of Tax Jurisprudence of the Colombian Institute of Tax Law. She has been the author of technical articles on Tax matters.


Partner Principal


Margarita is a lawyer from the Universidad Libre, and has master in Taxes from the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario and a masters in Tax Institutions and Techniques from the Escuela de Hacienda Pública in Madrid.
