PwC Legal
Els Empereur
- Phone+32 494 57 15 50
- Email[email protected]
Work Department
Real estate, Public business law
Advocaat Vennoot / Avocat Associé, PwC Legal BV/SRL
With more than 20 years’ experience, Els specialises in administrative and public law as well as real estate, with an emphasis on project development, planning and permits (building, environmental and retail permits).
In this respect, Els advises public authorities, multinationals, companies, Belgian and foreign investors and developers with regulatory and real estate related matters, including building, environmental and socio-economical permits, real estate planning, redevelopment of industrial sites and large-scale infrastructure projects, as well as mixed and retail projects and large-scale housing.
This includes assistance relating to the delivery of necessary authorisations, negotiations and cooperation with public authorities, follow-up of administrative aspects and drafting of contracts, as well as handling of complex litigation before judicial and administrative courts. She also assisted various public authorities in the drafting of legislation and advised the Flemish Government on planning issues and Brownfield projects.
Her clients include a mix of private companies and large public authorities, located in the Flemish, Walloon or Brussels Capital Region.
Els is the author of numerous books on urban planning and real estate, including “Jaarboek Administratief Economisch Recht” and “De milieuvergunning in het Vlaams Gewest”, as well as articles in legal reviews such as Panorama Codex Stedebouw, Larcier Wetboeken, Vlarebo, Vlaremi, Rec. Arr. Rvst, Handboek Bouwrecht, and UGA.
She regularly speaks at conferences and seminars on matters concerning retail permits, environmental and building permits. She is also a member of the editorial board of the legal magazine “Review of Building Law and Real Estate”.
Professional background
2017 - present
Advocaat vennoot/Avocat associé, PwC Legal - Member of the Antwerp Bar
1999 - 2017
Partner, DLA Piper
1994 - 1999
Partner, Belgian law firm
Publications (selection)
“Brownsfields in Vlaanderen”, Empereur E. en Martens B. (ed.), 2016, Wolters Kluwer, 420 p. “Grond en Pandendecreet, de gevolgen van de vernietiging”, Empereur E., (co-auteur) 2016, Intersentia, 201 p. “Complexe Projecten”, Empereur E. en Hectors K., 2016, Omgeving Terecht, Larcier, 58 p. “Rechtspraak Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (ruimtelijke ordening en stedenbouw) in kort bestek”, Empereur E., Van Giel I.,TBO 2012, 172 – 183 “Het Handhavingsplan Ruimtelijke Ordening: een nieuwe dimensie in het handhavingsbeleid?” Empereur E., Hectors K., TBO 2011, afl.1, 22-24Languages
Els is fluent in French, English and Dutch.
Member of the Antwerp Bar
Member of several editorial boards (Panorama Codex Stedenbouw, Larcier Wetboeken, Review of Building Law and Real Estate - 2010)
Member of the Municipal Planning Commission (GECORO) of Schoten (2000 - 2012)