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Taivo Liivak, PhD is an Attorney-at-law in information technology.

In January 2021, he successfully defended his dissertation titled ‘Tort Liability for Damage Caused by Self-driving Vehicles under Estonian Law’ in the University of Tartu School of Law. In addition to a doctorate in law, Taivo holds master’s degrees in law, IT law and conference interpreting as well as bachelor’s degrees in law and English language and literature from the University of Tartu.

Taivo has been an entrepreneur since 1994 and a legal advisor since 2009. As a productive legal translator, lawyer-linguist and sworn translator, Taivo has helped numerous legal professionals over the years.

Taivo has also contributed as an adjunct lecturer in the law and philosophy faculties of the University of Tartu and tried to help legal translators via a refresher training programme in the University of Tartu School of Law.


Estonian, English, German, Russian, Japanese


University of Tartu School of Law, PhD, 2021

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