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George Katrinakis


Director, Legal, Tax Litigation Leader, PwC Greece


Georgios I Katrinakis is a barrister at the Athens Bar Association, and he joined PwC Greece in 2014 to lead its tax litigation practice and as a partner of the PwC network member law firm M. Psylla – V. Vizas – G. Katrinakis. Georgios has some 17 years of experience in handling complex litigation and advance dispute resolution in virtually all areas of taxation, including corporate taxation, permanent establishments and transfer pricing disputes, indirect taxes (VAT, stamp duties, customs and excise duties), individual and wealth taxation, either defending clients against tax and penalty assessments after the conduct of audits or reclaiming the refund of taxes unduly paid. Georgios also assists criminal defence lawyers in cases of criminal tax evasion. During the first four years of his career, he conducted commercial litigation at an Athens-based law firm, specialising in banking and financial law.

Subsequently, he served as one of the leading tax litigators in a major Greek law firm for 11 years before joining PwC Greece. Georgios has represented over the years a multitude of multinational and Greek companies, as well as individual taxpayers before all Greek court instances (including the Greek Supreme Administrative Court) and before the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Georgios is a graduate of the Law School of the Athens National and Kapodistrian University and holds a LLM in European and international law (University of Durham, UK) and PG Certificates in tax law and accounting (Athens University of Economics and Business). He speaks Greek (native), English and French.

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