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Sophia Grigoriadou


Partner, Legal Leader, PwC Greece


Sophia is a Supreme Court lawyer and joined PwC Greece in 2024 after 5 years as the Head of Legal of another Big4firm. Previously she was a partner for 20 years of one of the most well-known Greek business law firms.

Sophia is a multidisciplinary senior lawyer with experience in most areas of business law, such as Real Estate, M&As & Privatizations, Tax Litigation and Public Contracts, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance and Regulatory, as well as Employment Law and Banking. She has long experience in leading multi member legal teams and in the handling of complex private and public projects with multiple stakeholders. She has also participated in many cross-functional consulting projects and has supported the audits of several clients.

She has acted in the past as Director and/or Secretary of the Board of Directors of several companies.

Sophia has been ranked as a Top Tier lawyer by clients and peers for more than 10 years for commercial law, tax and employment law, real estate, M&As, banking and finance.

She holds a BSc in Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Law School and has studied in the Université de Miséricorde, Fribourg, Switzerland, Faculté de Droit (International Private Law).

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