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DeBenedetti Majewski Szczesniak Kancelaria Prawnicza Sp. K.

News and developments

DMS partners taking part in Polish Seminar on EPA in Japan

C. David

DeBenedetti and Bartosz Bagieński, DMS partners, took part in the 13th

annual General Meeting of the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Japan and Polish

Seminar on “New Possibilities of the Bilateral Economic Relations between Japan

and Poland under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)”.

On March 19, 2019 during a Business Seminar organized by the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Japan devoted to “New Possibilities of the Bilateral Economic Relations between Japan and Poland under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)”, C. David DeBenedetti and Bartosz Bagieński gave a presentation entitled: ”What a company needs to know about Economic Partnership Agreement”. They touched on the problem of the history of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Japan and its most fundamental aspects, including: territorial application, taxation and relationship to other agreements. Additionally they emphasized the implications of the implementation of the EPA. The presentation was followed by Q&A session, during which they answered all questions regarding this area.

DMS is a member of the Polish Chamber of

Commerce in Japan, while C. David DeBenedetti has been a member of its Board of Directors since 2015. He advises Japanese clients on

investments and any aspects of business activity in Poland.

Content supplied by DeBenedetti Majewski Szczesniak Kancelaria Prawnicza Sp. K.