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Daniela David

Daniela David

Work Department

Disputes, Litigation & Arbitration; Employment & Labor Law; Restructuring & Insolvency; Tax Audits & Litigation.




Daniela (Dana) is the head of the firm’s litigation department and has significant experience in labour matters and commercial and civil litigation. Besides being an active arbitrator, she is also a licensed mediator.

Dana is one of Romania’s leading labour litigation lawyers and has significant experience in complex employment disputes, including advising on senior management misconduct and termination cases.  In addition, she is an expert in large collective dismissals and employment issues related to company restructuring activities. Over the last few years she has worked on some of Romania’s largest labor projects and matters, including advising on several bank acqusitions.

During her career, Dana has represented numerous industries including food & beverage companies, steel mills and quarry operators. Her work has included “bet the company” litigation on environmental and regulatory matters as well as representing oil companies and banks in their commercial disputes.

In the last few years, several of Dana’s cases have “made law”, including a case which defined and limited the concept of “occupational disease” as well as the leading against the Romanian State involving green certificates.


Bucharest Bar


LL.B, University of Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest M.A., University Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris, Business Law Certified Mediator, Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest
