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Robert Neruda

Work Department

Competition, Antitrust, FDI, Economics, Compliance, Legislation


Before joining our law firm, Robert worked eight years at the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition, from 2000 to 2003 at the International Department, later as Director of the Analytical Department and Deputy Chief Director. He then served as an assistant to the judge at the Czech Supreme Administrative Court in 2004 and 2005. After his return to the Office for the Protection of Competition, he worked as the chairman of the appellate committee for antitrust and mergers and as a member of the appellate committee on public procurement. Beginning in 2007, he served as the head of the Competition Section; in 2008 as Vice-Chairman of the Office; and in 2009 as the Office’s acting chairman.

Robert carries out his legal practice both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia where he practices as Registered European Lawyer. He is a co-author of important commentaries to the Competition Act (2004 and 2006) and the Public Procurement Act (2005 and 2007) and author of several dozen professional articles. He lectures at Masaryk University in Brno and also at international conferences.


Czech Bar Association Slovak Bar Association International Bar Association


Robert Neruda is the head of the Firm’s team of lawyers and economists specialising in competition law.

He focuses on advising clients relating to cartels, abuse of dominance, assessment of mergers and acquisitions from a competition perspective, significant market power, state aid, and public procurement. He typically represents clients in proceedings related to the concentration of undertakings and advises them on related issues, represents businesses suspected of anti-competitive conduct, and advises clients on the competition aspects of their contemplated projects. He also specialises in the compensation of damage caused by anti-competitive conduct. In addition, Robert is active in the area of competition and internal investigations, advises, for example, companies operating in the energy sector, telecommunications, the automotive industry, or fast-moving consumer goods. Robert is co-responsible for managing the Brno branch of the law firm.


Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Brno (2008), Ph.D. Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Brno (2001), JUDr. (Doctor of Laws) Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Brno (2000), Mgr. (Master of Laws)
