
Aylin Aydoğmuş

Aylin Aydoğmuş

NSN Law Firm, Turkey

Work Department

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Law




Aylin Aydoğmuş is graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law and she has been practicing law for 17 years. She co-chairs NSN Law Firm’s life sciences practice group.

Before joining NSN Law Firm, she worked for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Turkey over ten years as the director of Regulatory and Legal Affairs Department where she was involved in many projects including working on life sciences legislations with the Turkish Authorities, “Investigation on Pharmaceutical Industry” - conducted by the Turkish Competition Authority), discussing the Association’s position on the Draft Industrial Property Law before the Parliament etc. and conducted many lawsuits before administrative courts related with the Turkish pharmaceutical industry on behalf of the Association.

She mainly advises her clients in both consultancy and litigation matters with respect to Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Law, Contracts Law, Competition Law, Administrative Law as well as a broad range of regulatory matters including Anti-Corruption and Compliance. She is the legal adviser to AIFD (Association of Innovator Pharmaceutical Companies).




Istanbul Bar Association


Ankara University, Faculty of Law


Aylin Aydoğmuş is graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law.


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