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Ilej & Partners in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners

News and developments

Karanović & Nikolić Employment Team Contributes To The Shepherd And Wedderburn’s European Employ

Karanović & Nikolić employment team has assisted Shepherd and Wedderburn in the development of The European Employment Law Update for 2017.

European Employment Law Update for 2017 provides an overview of the vital reforms being introduced to European employment law over the next year, including areas such as seconding employees, increased protections for whistleblowers, and legislation changes related to increased work-life balance. Key considerations related to traditional employment areas such as increases to the minimum wage and unfair dismissal are also assessed.

Lawyers cooperating with Karanovic & Nikolic have contributed with the latest Employment Law matters and legislative changes in relation to Southeast Europe region. More specifically, contributions were made with summaries in regards to New Labour Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, new Collective Bargaining Energy Agreement, accession to Geneva Convention and new Law on Whistleblowers' Protection in Macedonia, an adoption of the General Collective Agreement, amendment to the Branch Collective Agreement for the Construction and Building Materials Industry and Law on foreigners in Montenegro. Moreover, we reviewed new Branch Collective Bargaining Agreement, New Law on Conditions for Secondment of Employees Abroad and the minimum salary amendment in Serbia and establishment of employment relationship in the case of a civil law contract in Slovenia.

Karanovic & Nikolic head of the Employment Practice, Milena Papac comments: "We are thrilled to contribute to the European Employment Law Update. This opportunity allow us to inform the business sector in relation to the legislative developments of Employment Law in the Balkan region and to reiterate our position as respected regional legal powerhouse in the Balkan Region".

The European Employment Law Update can be downloaded here.

Content supplied by Ilej & Partners in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners