
Hendrik Bernd Sehy

Work Department

Corporate / M&A


Dr Hendrik Bernd Sehy advises mostly companies that operate in the health care market on all issues pertaining to corporate and medical law, as well as during transaction processes and restructurings. He primarily advises service providers, such as hospitals, medical care centres, large medical practices, and rehab and nursing care providers, inter alia on regulatory and financing issues, and he further advises the public sector on structural measures in the health care industry. Hendrik Sehy also provides advice to start-ups and well-established manufacturers of medical products, for example, when they launch new products or with regard to reimbursement issues.

Hendrik Sehy additionally focuses on advising the public sector (inter alia, German states, municipalities and medical associations) on structural measures (in particular in the hospital market) or other regulatory issues relating to the health care industry and on providing support during arbitration proceedings pertaining to social law.

Together with Dr Eva Rütz, Dr Hendrik Sehy heads the working group "In-patient and out-patient service providers", which is part of Luther’s Health Care & Life Science industry group.