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Simon Rey
- Phone+ 33 04 72 41 15 75
- Email[email protected]
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For more than 10 years, Simon REY has been involved in all issues relating to the operation of local authorities, their groupings and their satellites. He has developed recognised expertise in public institutional law and intercommunal law. He assists municipalities, departments, regions, public institutions for inter-municipal cooperation, and joint unions in all their institutional and functional issues and in their inter-municipal cooperation projects.
He assists, for example, Public inter-municipal cooperation institutions (EPCI- Établissement public de coopération intercommunale) and Mixed Associations, in implementing all the procedures for amending the statutes (transfer of competence, merger, transformation, etc.), in determining and setting up their financing arrangements (Local Commission for the Evaluation of Transferred Charges (CLECT- Commission locale d’évaluation des charges transférées), single business tax (FPU- Fiscalité professionnelle unique), tax transfer agreement, etc.), as well as in implementing the transferred competences. He also provides expertise to local authorities and their groupings in the context of determining and implementing alternative modes of inter-municipal cooperation (mutualisation mechanisms, etc.).
In addition, Simon Rey has developed recognised expertise in the creation and operation of new communes and communes/communities.
He regularly runs seminars and training courses on intermunicipal law and on the functioning of communes and new communes for the Info-Pro group (La gazette des communes).
Simon Rey is one of the trainers of EluAcademy, the e-learning solution of the Gazette des Communes, where he is in charge of the “status of elected representatives” training.
Simon Rey is also a partner trainer for the Association of the Mayors of Frances (AMF) and President of Intercommunalité for which he regularly speaks on issues relating to the operation of municipalities and new municipalities, as well as on the law of intercommunality.
He regularly writes numerous articles on these topics for various legal journals (La Gazette des Communes, AJCT Dalloz, etc.). He is also the author of several legal reference works.
Simon Rey has been a lecturer at Jean Moulin Lyon III University and Jean Monet University in Saint-Etienne since 2012.