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Nofar Arad


Ms. Arad began her legal career at Gornitzky & Co. as a legal intern and has been an associate with the firm since July 2015.

Ms. Arad devotes her time to the real estate practice. Her practice mainly includes involvement in the representation of both companies and individuals in the purchase, sale and lease of residential and commercial real estate agreements. Nofar is also involved in the representation of clients in sale and purchase of property transactions. Among others, Ms. Arad is involved in the representation of Israel’s largest shopping malls group in ongoing corporate and commercial mattes.


Israel Bar Association ,2015


Senior Associate


LL.M., Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya (2014) (The Scholarship for Excellence in Academic Ability (2013-2014)) LL.B., cum laude, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya (2013) B.A., cum laude, Business Administration (Finance), Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya (2013)