Region Area


Javier Salinas

Javier Salinas

Work Department

Competition and Agri-food




Javier specialises in providing legal advice in all matters relating to competition law and the food & agriculture sector.

He has experience in all areas of competition law, specialising in particular in infringement proceedings and litigation relating to competition law, including acting on behalf of companies in merger control proceedings.

Javier also specialises in providing advice regarding the food chain, both in infringements proceedings of the Agencia de Información y Control Alimentarios (Spanish Food Control and Information Agency) and bodies of the Regional Governments and in the legal review of the compatibility of the contracts of food chain operators with the applicable legislation.

Before joining Ramón y Cajal Abogados, he completed an internship at the Competition Directorate-General of the European Commission and worked at leading national and international law firms. During his career, Javier has advised national and multinational companies from a large range of business sectors, such as the food & agriculture, audiovisual, telecommunications, consumer goods, real estate and financial sectors.

In addition to the above Javier is also a non-governmental adviser to the Spanish National Competition and Markets Commission in the International Competition Network.


English, French.


Madrid Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid). Spanish Competition Association (Asociación Española de Defensa de la Competencia).


Degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Master’s Degree in EU and Competition Law from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law from King’s College, University of London.



Javier is a speaker on the Master’s Degree in European Law and Competition Law of the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid.


Co-author of the article “Lectura crítica de la Decisión de la Comisión Europea en el asunto Telefónica / Portugal Telecom” (“A critical reading of the Commission Decision in the Telefónica / Portugal Telecom case”). In: Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia (Practical problems and current trends in Competition Law).  Anuario 2014. Aranzadi, 2015. Co-author of the article “Comentario crítico sobre el posicionamiento de la CNMC en relación con la prescripción de la infracción de la obligación de suspensión de la ejecución de una concentración” (“A critical commentary on the positioning of the CNMC in relation to the limitation period of breach of the obligation to suspend the completion of a merger”). In: Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia (Practical problems and current trends in Competition Law. Anuario 2015). Aranzadi, 2016. Co-author of the article “Autoridades de competencia y derechos audiovisuales del fútbol en España: regulación, supervisión y especulación” (“Competition authorities and audiovisual rights of football in Spain: regulation, supervision and speculation”). In: Actas de Derecho Industrial y Derecho de Autor, Vol. 35, 2014-2015. Marcial Pons, 2015. Co-author of the article “El pronunciamiento declarativo del incumplimiento de obligaciones en el expediente de vigilancia de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia: naturaleza y límites” (“The declaratory ruling of breach of obligations in the compliance investigation conducted in accordance with the Competition Act: characteristics and limits”). In: Anuario de Derecho Administrativo 2018. Aranzadi. Co-author of the article “Las sanciones a personas físicas por infracciones de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia: análisis de la jurisprudencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo de la Audiencia Nacional” (“Penalties on individuals for infringements of the Competition Act: analysis of the case law of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Audiencia Nacional”). In: Actualidad Mercantil 2019. Tirant lo Blanch. Co-author of the article “Análisis y crítica de la metodología de cálculo de las sanciones a personas físicas por la infracción del artículo 63.2 de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia” (“Analysis and review of the methodology for calculating the penalties on individuals for infringement of Section 63.2 of the Competition Act.”). In: Anuario de Derecho de la Competencia 2020. Aranzadi. Co-author of the article “Revisión de la práctica de las autoridades de competencia en sede casacional: análisis de la admisibilidad de los recursos en materia de defensa de la competencia” (“Review of the practices of the competition authorities in cassation proceedings: analysis of the admissibility of competition appeals”). In: Actualidad Mercados Regulados 2021. Tirant lo Blanch. Co-author of the article “La prohibición de contratar con el sector público en las resoluciones sancionadoras en materia de defensa de la competencia” (“The prohibition on entering into contracts with the public sector in competition infringement rulings”). In: Actualidad Mercados Regulados 2021. Tirant lo Blanch. Co-author of the article “Las organizaciones de productores y su interacción con el derecho de la competencia: del caso endibias a la resolución de acuicultura” (“Producer organisations and their interaction with competition law: from the endives case to the ruling on aquaculture”). In: Colección de Anuarios 2021. Prácticas para abogados. Anuario Mercantil. Wolters Kluwer.
