Pekin Bayar Mizrahi

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Ergin Mizrahi

Work Department

Dispute Resolution



He specializes in cross-border dispute resolution. He has represented mainly foreign clientele in major corporate disputes in Turkey and before the ICC International Court of Arbitration. The disputes in which he has provided representation include contract claims, tort claims, wrongful death claims, bankruptcy and insolvency actions and labor claims. He also regularly advises clients on matters involving private international law, competition law, intellectual property law, corporate law and labor law.

He has been with Pekin Bayar Mizrahi since 2010.

His experience includes:

Represented an EU consumer goods company in two ICC proceedings worth USD 2 billion brought by the former vendors of the shares of the company’s Turkish subsidiary

Represented an EU consumer goods company in an ICC proceeding worth USD 143 million for the collection of alleged damages

Represented BSH Hausgerate GmbH in an action worth USD 327 million brought by the former supplier for the breach of the distribution agreement

Represented BSH Hausgerate GmbH in an action worth USD 80 million against Is Bank in respect of the annulment of the sale of the Profilo Mall

Represented the State of the Netherlands in a fraud/tortuous liability claim worth Euro 20 millionRepresented a duty-free operator in its restructuring of Euro 150 million of debt owed to two major Turkish banks

Represented a Japanese paint company in a legal action worth USD 147 million regarding the annulment of a share transfer

Represented a major foreign bank in its potential NPL sale worth more than USD 225 million to a domestic asset management company

Represented the same bank in its collection efforts of its NPLs worth Euro 16 million

Represented a German property developer in a USD 200 million expropriation case

Represented Odeabank in a USD 80 million real-estate property dispute

Represented ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG in an enforcementof an ICC award worth Euro 25 million

Represented BSH Hausgerate GmbH in an enforcement of an ICCaward worth USD 6.5 million

Represented MD Helicopters Inc. in an action brought by the Ministryof Interior Affairs on the grounds of breach of contract (sale ofhelicopters) and in actions brought by the relatives of the victims whodied in the same crash; the total of the value of the claims exceedingUSD 8 million

Represented GE Renewable Switzerland Ltd. in a damages action worthUSD 13 million against the Turkish Electricity Production Company

Represented a duty-free operator in an ICC arbitration related to therent amounts worth Euro 7 million

Represented the former shareholders of a chemicals company against aState entity in an ICC arbitration related to fraudulent financialpractices worth USD 6 million

Represented Barcelo Hotels in two separate rent disputes worth USD 11million and Euro 3 million

Represented Atlantik Holding against Akkök Holding’s board ofdirectors in a liability dispute worth USD 9 million

Represented GE Renewable Switzerland Ltd. in a damages action worthUSD 5 million against the General Directorate of the State HydraulicWorks

Represented the Bank of Nova Scotia for the collection of its receivableworth USD 11 million from a Turkish gold company

Represented a Luxemburg company in an action worth USD 7 millionbrought against it for a claim of unpaid brokerage fees

Represented the former shareholders of Spanish pharmaceuticalcompany in an ICC arbitration against the buyer in a breach of contractclaim worth USD 4 million

Represented the National Bank of Greece in an action brought by aformer shareholder claiming interest on the mandatory public call madesubsequent to the purchase of a major Turkish bank

Represented the Royal Bank of Scotland in an action worth USD 35million in respect of its receivable from a Turkish media company,which was taken over by the State Savings Deposit Insurance Fund

Represented the Royal Bank of Scotland in more than 50 employmentlawsuits

Represented EFG Bank, who acted as the Security Agent of certainother banks in a major loan transaction, for the dematerialization of thepledged shares before the Central Registration Agency

Represented Eutelsat SA in the two collection actions against Turkishcapacity providers

Represented Lehman Brothers in an action brought by a Turkishholding company for the return of the shares pledged as a result of acall/put option transaction

Represented a Korean metal company in the enforcement of a Koreanarbitral award in Turkey

Represented an Australian logistics company against a Turkishcompany on the grounds of unfair competition and breach ofintellectual property rights

Advised a European hotel group in a financial restructuring and leasecontract negotiation worth USD 75 million

Currently acting as the lead partner in the winding down of the RoyalBank of Scotland Turkey and in its exit strategy

Represented a Qatari company in its possible acquisition of a chainhotelin Istanbul, Turkey


LLM - University of Cambridge (First Class)BA   -  Koc University (Valedictorian)
