Simont Braun

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Jean-François Terlinden

Simont Braun, Belgium

Work Department

Criminal Law; White Collar and Financial Criminal Law.


Partner of the lawfirm DE KOCK, BIGWOOD & MESSINNE (1981-1984); Partner of the lawfirm BIGWOOD & TERLINDEN (1984-1991); Since 1991, partner of the lawfirm BOCCART, BIGWOOD & Associés; Partner of the lawfirm BRAUN BIGWOOD (1999), currently named SIMONT BRAUN (2003).


Jean-François Terlinden is a member of the “Union Belgo-Luxembourgeoise de Droit Pénal” and the “Association Internationale de Droit Pénal” (AIDP).


Partner Jean-François Terlinden is a specialist in criminal law, financial law and tax law.

He assists and represents Belgian and international companies as well as private individuals in both preventive strategy and litigation. He is the author of various publications, including several articles on the civil liability of legal entities.


Université Catholique de Louvain (Law, 1975).