The Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan in association with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer logo

The Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan in association with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer


Yasser Al-Mutairi


Senior Attorney



Lawyer and legal adviser with the Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan A lawyer for more than fifteen (15) years.

Main Jobs and Contributions:

Preparing, incorporating and following up companies’ registration with the competent authorities. Providing legal memoranda and opinions on all types of cases. Drafting statements of claims, memoranda, reply memoranda, requests, statements of objection before courts of all levels and types, and judicial and quasi-judicial bodies and administrative authorities. Pleading and arguing before all judicial bodies, Board of Grievances, general courts, labor courts, Committees for the Settlement of Commercial Papers Disputes, customs committees, etc. Preparing, drafting and amending articles of associations. Preparing, drafting and revising all types of contracts. Handling the incorporation of the National Bank of Kuwait in Saudi Arabia and handling cases pertaining to the bank.


Christian Dior Company Islamic Cooperation Organization Marubeni Company Jobal Omer Joint Stock Company Saudi Company for Aviation Engineering Jeddah Development Company




Content supplied by The Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan in association with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer