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Caroline Klage

Caroline Klage

Work Department

Child brain injury


Caroline is a specialist in cases involving child brain injury and heads up the firm’s child brain injury department. She has been instrumental in successfully concluding a number of high value complex cases. Caroline relishes a challenge and has won a number of cases rejected by other firms on the grounds that they had poor prospects of success.

Caroline champions a pro-active and practical approach. This ensures that cases are progressed swiftly and without delay with clients receiving the maximum amount of compensation possible and where appropriate, interim payments of compensation to help to fund their complex care, treatment, therapy and equipment needs as well as to alleviate financial hardship. Caroline is an IPSEA qualified SEN (Special Educational Needs) advisor.

Caroline frequently comments in the national press and in social media on healthcare issues. She is also a contributor to the Journal of Personal Injury Law.


Trained Prettys Solicitors, Ipswich; qualified 2001; solicitor Bolt Burdon Kemp 2002; partner 2006.


APIL; Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel


Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School, Barnet; Lancaster University (1997 LLB European Legal Studies with German 2:1); winner of the FH Lawson Prize for the best graduating student on her course and the Cavendish Prize for the best final year dissertation in law; Nottingham University (1998 LLM European Law, distinction); College of Law, London (1999 Legal Practice Course, commendation).


Caroline is married with three children and enjoys family life, cooking, camping, socialising and choral music.
